Healing and Intuitive Knowing
Healing and Intuitive Knowing: Understanding and Addressing Unhealed Wounds
In this episode of 'The Knowing Space', Shamaa explores the crucial connection between healing and accessing our intuitive knowing. The discussion delves into the importance of addressing unhealed wounds and the various signs that indicate we need healing. Shamaa covers how emotional pain manifests in our behavior and daily life, such as triggers, judgment, criticism, and even physical illnesses. The episode highlights the transformative impact of healing on personal growth and the collective good, encouraging listeners to embark on their own healing journey for a balanced and compassionate life.
Listen to The Knowing Space
00:00 Introduction to the Knowing Space
00:39 The Importance of Healing
02:59 Understanding Emotional Wounds
08:35 Recognizing Unhealed Pain
29:14 The Impact of Healing
31:38 Conclusion and Call to Action
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
The Body Keep The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - Bessel A. van der Kolk